LGBTQ+ Pagent Information and Application
Application Fee Pay Here
- Must be gainfully employed or be financially independent with financial stability.
- Must be a legal resident of the United States
- At least twenty-one (21) years of age
- Reside in one of the counties within The Court of the Great Northwest Imperial Empire’s (CGNIE) territories
- Willing to host at least One fundraiser and Perform in others when requested
- Must travel to one out-of-town Gay Pageant and attend two out-of-town and Sacramento’s in-town Coronations
- Applications will be reviewed, and those applications that do not meet the outlined qualifications may be rejected.
Application Process: Deadline is 8 pm, April 29, 2021
- Download and Complete Application
- Return Application with Picture and Written Bio to
- Pay Application Fee of $25.00
- Attend the Qualifications Panel Via Zoom @ 8 pm, Tuesday, May 4, 2021
- Those who are qualified will be provided with Pagent Format and Instructions
- The Pageant will be held virtually @ 6 pm , Thrusday, May 20, 2021