Pre-Sales Tickets for Gay Skate
Pre-Sales Tickets, Hotel, and Program Information
About The United Courts Of CGNIE

CGNIE, The United Courts of Sacramento, Redding, Chico, Stockton, was Founded in 1973. We are a completely volunteer-based charitable organization. Our purpose is to support the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender communities through donations to recognized HIV/AIDS, social services, and youth support organizations serving those communities. We further promote positive awareness of the ideals of the International Court System, of which we are proud members.
CGNIE holds elections every year to choose our Inspiring Monarchs – the Emperor, Empress, and Emprex, as well as Community-At-Large seats. These incredible individuals are voted on by the community across all 27 counties of CGNIE to lead us with grace and wisdom. We are thrilled to celebrate Reign 51 with our current reigning monarchs, His Most Imperial Majesty of Reign 51, Emperor Spade Ranson Royal-Gotti, and Their Most Imperial Majesty of Reign 51, Emprex Adollyah LaRue Royal-Gotti. Their court motto, “The Court of Royalty, Outreach, Advocacy & Reinvention,” embodies their dedication to serving our community with passion and purpose.

“The Court of Royalty, Outreach, Advocacy & Reinvention,”